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5 Reasons To Buy Yourself Flowers Today

Silver Mushroom Sanctuary Lemon Spray With Leaves

So we all know the basic steps to make ourselves feel good. Spend more time outside, eat fruits and vegetables, surround yourself with good people and so on. But did you know that a new study from the University of North Florida has found that having flowers in your home does a whole lot more than just freshen the place up. 

We’ve always loved fresh flowers, and dried ones too for that matter, they add a touch of nature to your home and can really tie things together. We were thrilled to learn that there are actually many benefits to the beloved floral arrangements we use when decorating. Read on to learn about the five surprising benefits of having flowers and why you should buy them for yourself today. 

Already sold? Look no further, we have actually got our own little Silver Mushroom Flower Shop which you can shop here. Featuring our favourite collection of dried and faux flowers as well as some stunning vases to house them in.

Flowers Reduce Stress

You may or may not be aware that 68% of us feel stress on a weekly basis and the remaining 32% of us feel stressed each and everyday, scary stuff right? Recent studies were conducted on women aged 18-65 in which they had to note their stress levels for 12 days. Five Days into the study some participants were gifted a luxury candle, others were given flowers and the remaining participants were given nothing. The group which received the flowers noted a drastic reduction in stress levels where the other groups didn’t notice much difference. 
So bag yourself some gorgeous stems today and banish that stress..

Flowers Boost Your Memory

In another recent study by Rutgers, citizens over 55 and above were given flowers as part of an experiment. It was no surprise that the flowers boosted the moods of the participants but it was unexpected that they had a positive impact on their episodic memory.

The theory behind this shocking result is that the smell of fresh flowers is so fragrant that they are actually able to unlock long forgotten memories. Fresh flowers actually have the potential to activate and exercise the parts of your brain associated with memory. Amazing right?

Flowers Boost Your Mood

This was no shock to us. We hope you can all recall a time where you received flowers and felt that little pick-me-up. Scientists say that this mood-boosting property is connected with humans subconscious affections towards nature, and that when we come into contact with flowers we experience a mood-enhancing experience. Nifty right? We think this is a good enough reason to treat yourself, or a loved one, to a bunch today. 

Flowers Refresh Your Home

Not only will a bunch of flowers lift your mood and bring happy memories flooding back but they are a great way to refresh your home. Whether it’s adding a splash of colour, bringing the outside in or filling your living space with the smell of fresh lilies flowers are an effective way of changing things up a little at home. Why not give it a go today? 

 Flowers Encourage Mindfulness

This one might be our favourite point of all, as it’s something we strongly feel when it comes to flowers and house plants. It has been found that caring for your flowers can break up your day and increase mindfulness, which in turn increases your mental concentration, resets your mind when you’re feeling overwhelmed and increases positive feelings. 

We hope these points are just enough to encourage you to practise a little self-care and treat yourself today. If you need a place to start, take a look at out beautiful Flower Shop today. 

Silver Mushroom Sanctuary White Blush Magnolia Spray

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